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U.S.A. Based Manufacturer.
Supporting Businesses Worldwide.

FIND US: 1140 Gervais Avenue, Maplewood, MN 55109

CONTACT: (651) 653-5098
[email protected]

HāF Equipment Acquires Semi-Bulk Systems, Expanding Ingredient Handling Capabilities

HāF Equipment Acquires Semi-Bulk Systems, Expanding Ingredient Handling Capabilities…Read More

Resolved! Three Steps to Position Your Operations for Success

Positioned for Success in 2022

Webster’s Dictionary defines RESOLUTION as the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, or problem. It is the act of resolving something, an answer, or a solution to something. 

We all have something that comes to mind when we think about a personal resolution. However, have you also stepped back and reviewed your 5-year business plan and the current projects you are working on to see if they need an overhaul? Have you analyzed whether the steps you are taking today make your overall journey the most efficient? 

Successful companies pursue forward-thinking strategies to maintain their success into the future. Are your plans based on a volatile supply chain with nothing but uncertainty around it? Think beyond today and plan for unforeseen events in 2022. 

As technology advances, automation is becoming an integral part of operations, and success is finding that balance between it and humans. The current labor shortage has required companies to accommodate and innovate to respond to this problem. HaF Equipment has listened to the issues the manufacturing industry has faced and responded. We are at the forefront of the bulk material handling industry in designing, engineering, and developing innovations and automation to drive companies to their next level of business success, and we welcome 2022 positioned for success.

Positioned for Success in 2022

Steps to Success

HaF knows that every decision made today impacts tomorrow’s success, and we’re walking the same unknowns as you. However, we are committed to helping our clients make the best decisions for their future! Below we outline three steps to help.


  1. Stop. Stop for five minutes and answer these two questions – What’s Working? What’s Not? It is simple. Write down what works well in your operations, and then list what is not working.
  2. Contact. Contact HaF Equipment and let’s connect. We want to hear your answer to “What’s Not Working?”. Together, we will determine solutions to fill or eliminate weak spots and implement the solutions.
    • If equipment maintenance slows down manufacturing business production due to lack of parts, then set up your maintenance department with backup parts to prepare for the unexpected. Planning ahead will save time and potentially higher costs.
  3. In-Person Audit. Improve. Analyze your process
    • Is there a skip in the beat, and you’re not exactly sure where the problem is? We will perform an in person audit of your operations and our expert engineer will meet with you and develop a written report of best next steps, using industry best practices. Your steps today can lead to success tomorrow.

Successful companies pursue forward-thinking strategies to maintain their success into the future.

At HaF Equipment, we are constantly looking at the next phase of innovation. The success of our customers drives our success. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you welcome a successful 2022.

How Company Culture in Manufacturing Affects Customer Relations

How Company Culture in Manufacturing Affects Customer Relations

Company culture in manufacturing should be more than just a few ping-pong tables and happy hour Fridays. It’s the sum of thousands of little decisions made day in and day out that determine how people feel about their work, their colleagues, and themselves. It is a mix of values, beliefs, and practices that the members of an organization share.

Larry Alton, Forbes, writes, “A strong company culture attracts better talent and, more importantly, retains that talent. When people feel like they belong to an organization, they’re more likely to stick around for the long term. That means lower turnover, fewer new hires to deal with, and better chemistry among your team.”

The best companies know they would be nothing without their talented people working together as a team while producing outstanding results for a customer.


Company culture in manufacturing matters because it can directly impact how your business performs in attracting top talent while also helping to keep them happy. The best companies know they would be nothing without their talented people working together as a team while producing outstanding results for a customer.  

When people feel like they belong to an organization, they’re more likely to stick around for the long term. That means lower turnover, fewer new hires to deal with, and better chemistry among teams. 


In manufacturing, teamwork is critical. It forms a partnership mentality with the customer, and we’re not afraid to say that there will be challenges on some projects. However, if the work culture in manufacturing industry dictates, dedication and enthusiasm for solving problems will be an asset on every project, no matter if it’s challenging or not.

What’s most important for our team and everyone involved at every stage of production is to have an open mind and dedication. And at HaF, it goes without saying we’re “Ready to Connect!” Our culture focuses on teamwork, hard work, being elite in our craft, driven-yet-fun, and humbly confident. We work with our customers to connect at a deeper level and with a partnership attitude.


HaF is a Minnesota-based company with employees spread out across the USA. We’re ready to support your manufacturing industry needs no matter where you live or what type of industry – we’ve got our finger on the pulse Ready to Connect. 

For more information about how we can help you meet your goals, don’t hesitate to call us at (651) 653-5098, or complete the Contact Form on our website.

American-Made Equipment and Solutions in Manufacturing

American Made Solutions in Material Handling Equipment

American manufacturing has undergone significant changes in the past decade and American-made equipment and solutions in manufacturing are not just about making things – they’re also about providing solutions to a variety of problems that arise from demand for manufactured goods. Every aspect of the manufacturing process is now analyzed and improved upon, including quality assurance and product design. 

“HaF offers services from equipment design, installation, repair, and complete turnkey solutions to help keep American manufacturing plants running smoothly.”

HaF Equipment, an American manufacturer, works with other American companies to find new ways to manufacture products at home, including American manufacturing solutions for less money while maintaining high-quality standards. HaF is Headquartered in Maplewood, Minnesota, minutes away from the Twin Cities – Minneapolis and St. Paul and major universities like the University Of Minnesota and St Cloud State University and tech giants like Microsoft Corporation (MSFT). The strategic location allows us to tap into the top talent ready to explore new manufacturing methods and ideas in American manufacturing while remaining cost-minded. And, with a team of experts spread throughout the United States, HaF offers services from equipment design, installation, repair, and complete turnkey solutions to help keep American manufacturing plants running smoothly.

HaF’s custom designs of bulk material handling systems and American-made manufacturing solutions originate from dedicated engineers. Our company is home to many different engineering disciplines with a diverse skill set, allowing us to diversify across major markets, including the Food Industry, Breakfast and Cereal Production, Snack Foods, Yogurt, and more. 

We are proud to be an American company with dedicated employees. The HaF culture is hard-working, driven yet fun, and humbly confident. If you’re looking for an elite team of manufacturers who work closely together on your product development process, reach out! Our office locations span across America so no matter where you live or what type of manufacturing industry you need help with – we’ve got our finger on the pulse Ready to Connect.

Keep It Clean: HaF’s Gravity Divert Valve

Gravity Divert Valve

HaF Equipment’s latest gravity divert valve is an ideal solution for those who need to upgrade their aging system with modern technology. This sanitary diverter valve will increase efficiency and help prevent expensive downtime due to inefficient and outdated systems. The gravity divert valve is built for sanitary applications and is designed and built to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) build standards.

The focus for the gravity divert valve is on sanitary design and to provide an easy to clean divert valve positioned in the vertical orientation so that powder can flow and drop into either of two locations.

Using proven HaF design methods developed over 25 years, the gravity divert valve is part of our tool-free-quick-take-apart® designs developed for ease of cleaning. The main body of this sanitary diverter valve can be disassembled and wiped down because there are no hidden crevices. The sanitary ferrule connections allow for a clamp to easily be removed, gaining access to clean the connections and easily remove the gravity divert valve for cleaning.

Gravity Divert Valve for article

Custom Gravity Divert Valve

Although the most recent Gravity Divert Valve that HaF configured has 6-inch diameter chutes, our team is innovative. HaF can design custom down chutes for whatever application the customer needs. Its framework is solid and is structured with a heavy-duty actuator. This flow direction valve has a “Y” Divert Split Configuration with a 60-degree offset. Precisely designed, the gravity divert valve is built with a dual coil solenoid and has a Proximity Limit Switch with a Cable.

Gravity Divert Valves are available in different sizes to mix and match components depending on the customer’s needs and specifications.

About HaF

HaF is a Minnesota-based company with employees spread out across the USA and capabilities world-wide. We’re ready to support your manufacturing industry needs no matter where you live or what type of industry – we’ve got our finger on the pulse Ready to Connect. 

For more information about how we can help you meet your goals, don’t hesitate to call us at (651) 653-5098, or complete the Contact Form on our website.

A Simple Way to Deliver Pre-weighed Batches to a Mixer: Dense Phase Conveyor Case Study

Dense Phase Conveyor

A great way to speed up your batch production is to add a gain-in-weight dense phase conveyor. A recent customer used HaF Equipment to pre-weigh powdered limestone under a silo.  The dense phase conveying vessel also served as a weigh hopper.  When the mixer called for a new batch, the dense phase vessel transferred the pre-weighed batch of material.

The great part of dense phase conveying is that the batch can send long distances!  No matter where you locate your mixer, the Gain-In-Weight Dense Phase Conveyor can deliver, and do so very quickly, enhancing your batch mixing process.

Dense Phase Conveyor Case Study

About HaF Equipment

HaF is a Minnesota-based company with employees spread out across the USA and capabilities world-wide. We’re ready to support your manufacturing industry needs no matter where you live or what type of industry – we’ve got our finger on the pulse Ready to Connect. 

For more information about how we can help you meet your goals, don’t hesitate to call us at (651) 653-5098, or complete the Contact Form on our website.

Sanitary Designs for Wet Dust Collection with CIP

HaF Jango Wet Dust Collection Product Line by Michael Thiel (HaF Equipment)

HaF Equipment recently designed, built, and shipped a sanitary 12,000 CFM wet dust collector for the dairy industry. HaF can accommodate in-house FATs (as pictured).  The sanitary designed unit, made of 304ss, sanitary welds and finishes, comes with CIP functionality.  HaF’s commitment to the food and sanitary market continues as we innovate new design concepts and meet the customer requirements of cleanability.  We have a passion for Tool-Free-Quick-Take-Apart Equipment!  There are FOUR critical reasons to select wet dust collection for dairy processing:

  1. Explosion Mitigation Design Requirements

The wet dust collector does not use filter bags, and it is not dry.  Obviously.  It is wet.  And using this design concept, the plant can enjoy the benefits of easily qualifying the unit in their local dust hazard analysis.

  1. Lower Labor Burden

Operators are critical. Their time comes at a premium. The HaF Jango Wet does not use filter bags. Therefore, operators do not have to spend the time to change out filter bags on a routine basis. 

  1. Sanitary Design

Let’s be honest – Filter bags do not get changed out as frequently as you’d like. The HaF Jango Wet Dust Collector does not use bags and is CIP’able. This can be done on the third shift with the rest of your dairy process equipment, without operator involvement! It is fully automated.

  1. Footprint

The footprint size of the Jango Wet is a fraction of the dry bag houses because dry baghouses require many bags with the proper air to cloth ratios and end up taking up a large amount of precious floor space. The Jango Wet is compact in size!

It is good to partner with a company that is flexible to offer both dry and wet dust collection options. The point is to listen to the customer and respond with creative solutions. Every application is unique.  We are ready to help.  Contact HaF:  [email protected]


HaF Equipment

(651) 653-5098

[email protected]

1255 Cope Ave
Maplewood, MN, 55109

Caption: The HaF Jango Wet 12,000 CFM Sanitary Dust Collector setup for a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) in Maplewood, MN.

HaF Equipment: Taking Operator-Centricity to New Heights

Recently, HaF was selected as a Top Food Automation & Manufacturing Emerging Company by Food & Beverage Technology Review!! Check out the article to see how HaF is contributing to the future of food manufacturing.